Notes from a perpetual student

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Jan 26, 2020
Setting up this blog - Part 2 In this post we will see how to setup Hugo and leverage GitHub webhooks to auto-run Hugo whenever a commit is pushed to the GitHub repository. The basic process goes like this I commit a new post as a Markdown post into the GitHub repository GitHub triggers a webhook that I have setup on every push that’s done into the repository The webhook endpoint (running on the same server as the blog) runs a bash script locally to trigger Hugo build.…
Jan 25, 2020
Setting up this blog - Part 1 Having got back to blogging after a decade it was rather an interesting experience researching on the available options for writing online. My old blog was a free WordPress website, it served me well back then but now I wanted to try something different. I had a few requirements I wanted to self host Needs to be a lightweight engine I should be able to easily write anywhere (preferably Markdown) Get to learn new things in the process of setting up I looked at Medium, it’s clean aesthetically and it’s quick to write and post using their apps.…
Jan 1, 2020
A reflection on a decade of software engineering It’s been almost a decade since I last wrote a blog post. The moment I joined work right after college I stopped writing. The funny part is that the company did not refrain me from any open-source contribution nor stopped me from writing. I just dove right in and lost track of time. 10 years worth of time. So starting right now I have decided to begin writing articles and blogposts again.…