Notes from a perpetual student

A reflection on a decade of software engineering

Posted at — Jan 1, 2020

It’s been almost a decade since I last wrote a blog post. The moment I joined work right after college I stopped writing. The funny part is that the company did not refrain me from any open-source contribution nor stopped me from writing. I just dove right in and lost track of time. 10 years worth of time.

So starting right now I have decided to begin writing articles and blogposts again. So what better way to start than writing a self reflection post.

It has been a very eventful 10 years both personally and professionally. But I’m gonna focus on only the professional side of things. I work with the best people at NUITEQ. I’ve been able to learn so much in so little time. Especially our CTO, he has been a really good patient mentor. Shoutout to Warlord Wuhan (Johan) :D and thanks Dev for your Vim lessons :D

We built some amazing RnD projects which got realised to full products. I can’t list everything but some of the really memorable projects that I worked on are listed below

Things have been really good when we do a lot of RnD. Challenges are excellent to tackle. But recently I have been focusing myself on Linux system administration and automation. This has been something completely new for me, but it has become a necessity. So I have fallen deep into this rabbit hole of self hosted movement x). All of my free time goes into this now. It’s extremely fun, as a side effect it has become a valuable skill in my professional life.

That being said I do have some regrets though, just like any other normal person. I wish I had not boxed myself and focused only on work. Socialisation is important. Building a professional network is important. You might be content with your job but please do not do what I did. Go out meet people, contribute to open-source projects, join some FOSS teams, give talks. Spread the knowledge you accumulate with other people, Follow the Feynman philosophy. This is why I decided now to make some changes to myself. Starts with blogging my thoughts again. Hopefully I will do a fair enough job at it.

I’m gonna wrap this up now. I can better use the time and words by putting them into the article ideas I have in pipeline for the future :P.

Wish you a happy and a prosperous new year!

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